17-519 Transmission Annual Inspection P.M.

Assigned To
Bryant Sullivan
Primary Engine
5.7L V-8 Hemi
Empty Weight

Patrol Car
Lewis County Motor Pool
Default Meter
Asset Number
License #

Total Miles


Position Size
Front P225/60R18
Rear P225/60R18

Fuel Cards

Card # Card Type
0118 - (5/23/2024) County
0126 - (10/19/2021) County
713-6 Cenex
828-2 Cenex


Purchased from I-5 Dodge ----- Upfitted by SPS (Systems for Public Safety)

$26,692.70   New Purchase Cost
$15,122.76   Upfit Cost

$41,815.46  Capital Asset Cost
Show More



Title Path Size
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__2-2025.pdf 388.9 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__4-2023.pdf 852.0 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__6-2023.pdf 855.0 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__11-2023.pdf 1012.1 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__1-2024.pdf 400.3 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__3-2024.pdf 390.0 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__7-2024.pdf 396.4 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__8-2024.pdf 389.3 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__10-2024.pdf 390.3 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__12-2024.pdf 391.5 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__11-2019.pdf 875.9 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__4-2020.pdf 881.2 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__6-2020.pdf 843.8 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__8-2020.pdf 868.4 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__10-2020.pdf 893.0 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__1-2021.pdf 768.9 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__3-2021.pdf 799.9 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__5-2021.pdf 896.7 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__7-2021.pdf 912.9 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__9-2021.pdf 892.1 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__12-2021.pdf 808.0 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__2-2022.pdf 852.0 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__5-2022.pdf 925.9 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__8-2022.pdf 887.5 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__1-2023.pdf 836.7 KB
MULTI POINT INSPECTION 17-519__10-2022.pdf 858.9 KB
Title Path Size
Build Sheet 17-519_BS.pdf 89.2 KB
Capital Asset Form 17-519_CAF.pdf 26.3 KB
Invoice 17-519_Inv.pdf 92.5 KB
Invoice 17-519_Upfit.pdf 79.4 KB
RECALL W10 W62 W62_17-519_.pdf 290.7 KB
Registration 17-519_Reg.pdf 36.8 KB
WARRANTY 17-519_433846_VU5ung7.pdf 290.0 KB
WARRANTY 17-519_444760.pdf 270.1 KB
WARRANTY 17-519_432852_Cks63r9.pdf 177.3 KB

Work Orders

Lewis County Motor Pool

WO Veh # Action Items Odo/Hour Status Started
WO #20368 17-519 Repair (Axle / Halfshaft),Repair (Engine),Repair (Electrical) 145460 Finished 3/25 Notes
Repair the check engine light is on (Ian took a look at it and thinks it might be stuck in V-6 mode). / Repair the siren. (I am going to try wiring in new siren boxes myself tonight) MAKE SURE THIS GOT REPAIRED. / My days off start Thursday, and I am on night shift. I can leave it at motor-pool Thursday morning after I get off work.
WO #20194 17-519 P.M. (Drivetrain) 142224 Closed 2/25 Notes
PM Service /
WO #19917 17-519 Hauling (Cab / Body),Repair (Heating / Cooling) 137993 Closed 12/24 Notes
Repair the cooling system....see the note below. Trevor's note 12-18-24: Replaced the upped heater core hose that broke at the "T". Added new coolant. Unknown issue... On 12/14 out in Morton, engine bay started smoking. Stopped the vehicle, kept smoking. Checked oil temperature electronic gauge, reached up to 300 degrees from 275 in a short time when I first looked at it. Turned the vehicle off from there. Does not appear any oil leaks, also oil looked good when I checked the dip pin. Just had my car serviced on 12/9. Had vehicle towed back to Chehalis and left in MP shop.
WO #19786 17-519 Repair (Tire / Wheel),P.M. (Drivetrain) 137309 Closed 11/24 Notes
PM Service / Repair left front flat tire. /
WO #19747 17-519 Repair (Heating / Cooling) 137309 Closed 11/24 Notes
Install new cooling fans. (MAKING NOISE) /
WO #19733 17-519 Repair (Lighting) 133898 Closed 11/24 Notes
Install brighter head lights. /
WO #19532 17-519 Annual Inspection (Cab / Body),P.M. (Drivetrain) 130585 Closed 10/24 Notes
PM Service, install a new cabin filter. / Annual inspection / Install new tires if necessary.
WO #19389 17-519 Repair (Brakes) 125923 Closed 8/24 Notes
Replace front and rear brakes due to noise. /
WO #19320 17-519 Repair (Cab / Body),Tire / Wheels (Tire / Wheel),Transmission (Trans Service),P.M. (Drivetrain),Repair (Belt) 124814 Closed 8/24 Notes
PM Service, check for a brake noise. / Repair the "belt is squeaking". / Service the transmission. / (UNREPORTED) Install new tires. / (UNREPORTED) Install a new cabin filter. / Nonstop belt squeaking under engine bay.
WO #19086 17-519 Repair (Electrical),P.M. (Drivetrain) 120410 Closed 6/24 Notes
P.M. / Repair the wiring in middle console. /
WO #19019 17-519 Repair (Lighting) 118003 Closed 6/24 Notes
Left head light is out. /
WO #18567 17-519 Diagnose (Engine),P.M. (Engine) 116562 Closed 3/24 Notes
PM service / Diagnose - High pitch intermittent squeal from the engine. / Routine Maintenance - Also, I noticed a high pitch squeal that sounds maybe it's from a belt. This can be heard while the car is idling. I don't hear it all the time though.
WO #18195 17-519 P.M. (Drivetrain) 110083 Closed 1/24 Notes
PM Service /
WO #17874 17-519 Repair (Cab / Body),Annual Inspection (Cab / Body),P.M. (Drivetrain) 105161 Closed 10/23 Notes
PM Service / Annual inspection / Install a new cabin filter. /
WO #17534 17-519 Repair (Cab / Body),Repair (Brakes),Tune-up (Engine),P.M. (Drivetrain) 99426 Closed 8/23 Notes
PM Service / Replace the front and rear brake pads with the new "POLICE" pads (ON THE SHELF) and install new brake rotors...See the note below. The calipers were all replaced @ 80,667 mi. / Tune-up (PLUGS ON THE SHELF) / (UNSCHEDULED) Install a new cabin filter. Regular Maintenance - Also please take another look at the brakes. They are still screaming when I come to a stop. Especially on warm days. I'm on night shift now. My start time is 1920 hours. I can drop my car off after a shift in the morning then pick it up before my shift starts in the evening if that works for you guys. I am off Aug 17-22 then back on Aug 23rd - 27th. I can drop it off any day during that work week if that fits your schedule. Let me know! Thanks
WO #17198 17-519 Tune-up (Engine),P.M. (Cab / Body) 94762 Closed 6/23 Notes
PM service / Install new spark plugs (Parts on shelf) /
WO #17151 17-519 Repair (Axle / Halfshaft) 93719 Closed 5/23 Notes
Replace both front axle shafts and replace a cracked intermediate shaft. /
WO #17143 17-519 Repair (Brakes) 93711 Closed 5/23 Notes
Rear brake rotors warped install new rotors and check the pads. /
WO #16955 17-519 Repair (Lighting) 91502 Closed 4/23 Notes
Install brighter head light bulbs. /
WO #16873 17-519 Tire / Wheels (Tire / Wheel),P.M. (Drivetrain) 90310 Closed 4/23 Notes
PM Service, check for a brake squeak....see the note below. / Install new tires. / Routine Maintenance. Please check brakes. They are very squeaky. I am off until the morning of April 15th. I will take a spare car home tonight (4/9) and leave this vehicle in the motor pool parking lot. If you guys can get to it sometime this week that would be great. I will check my cell phone everyday if you are trying to get a hold of me. Thank you!
WO #16366 17-519 Vehicle Prep (Cab / Body),P.M. (Drivetrain) 85148 Closed 1/23 Notes
PM Service / Detail the car. /
WO #15841 17-519 Repair (Cab / Body),Annual Inspection (Cab / Body),Transmission (Trans Service),Repair (Brakes),P.M. (Drivetrain) 80667 Closed 10/22 Notes
PM Service / Install new front brakes. / Install new rear brakes. / Service the transmission / Annual inspection / Install a new cabin filter. /
WO #15635 17-519 Repair (Lighting) 77475 Closed 8/22 Notes
Replace the right front head light. /
WO #15504 17-519 P.M. (Drivetrain) 75572 Closed 7/22 Notes
PM Service /
WO #15151 17-519 P.M. (Drivetrain) 69384 Closed 5/22 Notes
PM Service /
WO #14723 17-519 P.M. (Drivetrain) 64670 Closed 2/22 Notes
PM service /
WO #14464 17-519 Repair (Tire / Wheel) 61964 Closed 1/22 Notes
Replace a passenger side missing hub cap. /
WO #14317 17-519 Tire / Wheels (Tire / Wheel),P.M. (Drivetrain) 60139 Closed 12/21 Notes
PM Service / Install new tires. /
WO #13867 17-519 Repair (Cab / Body),Annual Inspection (Cab / Body),P.M. (Drivetrain) 55354 Closed 9/21 Notes
PM Service / Buff scratches on the drivers rear door. Install a new cabin filter. / Annual inspection /
WO #13600 17-519 Warranty (Heating / Cooling) 51952 Closed 7/21 Notes
Take to I-5 Dodge for warranty repair of the water pump. /
WO #13555 17-519 P.M. (Drivetrain) 50364 Closed 7/21 Notes
PM Service / Check front brakes, repair if necessary. /
WO #13272 17-519 P.M. (Drivetrain) 46333 Closed 5/21 Notes
PM Service, rotate and balance the tires. /
WO #12889 17-519 Transmission (Trans Service),P.M. (Drivetrain) 41113 Closed 3/21 Notes
PM Service, install new wiper blades. / Service transmission. /
WO #12485 17-519 Warranty (Engine),P.M. (Drivetrain) 36530 Closed 12/20 Notes
PM Service / Take to Dodge for a 1 PM recall appointment. /
WO #12039 17-519 Tire / Wheels (Tire / Wheel),Vehicle Prep (Electronics),Annual Inspection (Cab / Body),Repair (Cab / Body),P.M. (Drivetrain) 31371 Closed 10/20 Notes
PM Service / Annual inspection / Install a new cabin filter / Install Surveillance Mode and a red light switch / Unreported - Install 4 new tires /
WO #12026 17-519 Repair (Tire / Wheel) 29970 Closed 10/20 Notes
Repair a flat tire. /
WO #11845 17-519 Repair (Cab / Body) 25550 Closed 8/20 Notes
Install a new left head light assembly (DEER DAMAGE) and a dash vent ring. /
WO #11741 17-519 Repair (Lighting),P.M. (Drivetrain),Repair (Cab / Body) 25551 Closed 8/20 Notes
PM Service, fix vent to left of radio. / Replace drivers side high beam head light. /
WO #11513 17-519 Warranty (None),Repair (Cab / Body) 20906 Closed 6/20 Notes
Take car to I-5 Dodge for a recall. / Take to Hasslers Auto body. / I will be leaving my car at motor pool while I'm on vacation from 6/26 through 7/8. Please take care of recall at Dodge and send to Hasslers Auto body to have dent fixed on rear passenger side panel. Thank you
WO #11406 17-519 P.M. (Engine) 19815 Closed 6/20 Notes
PM Service /
WO #11134 17-519 P.M. (Drivetrain),Warranty (Heating / Cooling) 14315 Closed 4/20 Notes
PM Service / Take to Dodge for warranty repairs. / 10,000 mile service and cooling fan coming on about every 30 seconds.
WO #10951 17-519 Diagnose (Engine) 10000 Closed 2/20 Notes
Diagnose the cooling fans are staying on again (UNSCHEDULED). /
WO #10905 17-519 Repair (Cab / Body) 11234 Closed 2/20 Notes
Install new seat covers. /
WO #10824 17-519 Diagnose (Heating / Cooling) 9797 Closed 2/20 Notes
Diagnose the radiator fan kicks on about ever 30 to 45 seconds. Temp gauge on dash does not show vehicle is over heating. Take to Dodge for warranty if any issues aren't found with accident damage repairs. /
WO #10758 17-519 Repair (Electronics) 9134 Closed 1/20 Notes
Replace defective antenna. /
WO #10306 17-519 Accident Damage (Cab / Body) 5250 Closed 10/19 Notes
Vehicle hit a deer. Tow to Hasslers for repairs. /
WO #10225 17-519 P.M. (Drivetrain),Annual Inspection (Cab / Body) 5420 Closed 10/19 Notes
PM Service / Annual inspection /
WO #9206 17-519 Vehicle Prep (Cab / Body) 121 Closed 3/19 Notes
Prep for service. /